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You might need to give admin users a feature to perform some action on a single record. Actions can be displayed as buttons in the list view and/or in the three-dots menu.

Here's how to add a custom action:

resourceId: 'aparts',
options: {
actions: [
name: 'Auto submit', // Display name of the action
icon: 'flowbite:play-solid', // Icon to display (using Flowbite icons)

// Control who can see/use this action
allowed: ({ adminUser, standardAllowedActions }) => {
return true; // Allow everyone

// Handler function when action is triggered
action: ({ recordId, adminUser }) => {
console.log("auto submit", recordId, adminUser);
return {
ok: true,
successMessage: "Auto submitted"

// Configure where the action appears
showIn: {
list: true, // Show in list view
showButton: true, // Show as a button
showThreeDotsMenu: true, // Show in three-dots menu

Action Configuration Options

  • name: Display name of the action
  • icon: Icon to show (using Flowbite icon set)
  • allowed: Function to control access to the action
  • action: Handler function that executes when action is triggered
  • showIn: Controls where the action appears
    • list: Show in list view
    • showButton: Show as a button
    • showThreeDotsMenu: Show in three-dots menu

Access Control

You can control who can use an action through the allowed function. This function receives:

options: {
actions: [
name: 'Auto submit',
allowed: ({ adminUser, standardAllowedActions }) => {
if (adminUser.dbUser.role !== 'superadmin') {
return false;
return true;
// ... other configuration

The allowed function receives:

  • adminUser: The current admin user object
  • standardAllowedActions: Standard permissions for the current user


  • true to allow access
  • false to deny access
  • A string with an error message to explain why access was denied

Here is how it looks: alt text

You might want to allow only certain users to perform your custom bulk action.

To implement this limitation use allowed:

If you want to prohibit the use of bulk action for user, you can do it this way:

bulkActions: [
label: 'Mark as listed',
icon: 'flowbite:eye-solid',
allowed: async ({ resource, adminUser, selectedIds }) => {
if (adminUser.dbUser.role !== 'superadmin') {
return false;
return true;
confirm: 'Are you sure you want to mark all selected apartments as listed?',
action: function ({selectedIds, adminUser }: {selectedIds: any[], adminUser: AdminUser }, allow) {
const stmt = admin.resource('aparts').dataConnector.client.prepare(`UPDATE apartments SET listed = 1 WHERE id IN (${ => '?').join(',')}`);;
return { ok: true, error: false, successMessage: `Marked ${selectedIds.length} apartments as listed` };

Action URL

Instead of defining an action handler, you can specify a url that the user will be redirected to when clicking the action button:

name: 'View details',
icon: 'flowbite:eye-solid',
url: '/resource/aparts', // URL to redirect to
showIn: {
list: true,
showButton: true,
showThreeDotsMenu: true,

The URL can be:

  • A relative path within your admin panel (starting with '/')
  • An absolute URL (starting with 'http://' or 'https://')

To open the URL in a new tab, add ?target=_blank to the URL:

name: 'View on Google',
icon: 'flowbite:external-link-solid',
url: '',
showIn: {
list: true,
showButton: true

☝️ Note: You cannot specify both action and url for the same action - only one should be used.