AdminForth provide own build-in websocket interface which allows to stream some data to frontend from backend.
In two words, to subscribe to a topic from any frontend component you need to do next
import websocket from '@/websocket';
websocket.subscribe('/topic-name', (data) => {
// this callback called when we receive publish in topic from the websocket
On server you can publish data to the topic by calling
admin.websocket.publish('/topic-name', {some: 'data'});
Let's consider a real-world example.
Usage example
Let's say we want to show realtor sum of all his properties in the AdminForth in header.
Create a component PropertyCost.vue
<div v-show="totalCost !== null"
class="flex items-center justify-center w-full h-full bg-gray-100 text-gray-800 text-xs font-medium p-1 rounded
dark:bg-gray-700 dark:text-gray-300">
<template #tooltip>
<div class="text-sm">Your total property cost</div>
<IconDollarOutline class="text-2xl opacity-50" />
<div class="text-2xl text-gray-900 dark:text-white"> {{totalCost}}</div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted, Ref } from 'vue';
import { ref } from 'vue';
import websocket from '@/websocket';
import { IconDollarOutline } from '@iconify-prerendered/vue-flowbite';
import { Tooltip } from '@/afcl';
import type { AdminUser } from '@/types/Common';
const props = defineProps({
adminUser: AdminUser,
const totalCost: Ref<number|null> = ref(null);
onMounted(() => {
websocket.subscribe(`/property-cost/${props.adminUser!.pk}`, (data: any) => {
// this callback called when we receive publish in topic from the websocket
totalCost.value = data.totalCost;
onOnUnmounted(() => {
// will be called on logout
Add this component into the header of the AdminForth:
const admin = new AdminForth({
customization: {
globalInjections: {
header: '@@/PropertyCost.vue',
Now, in after-save hook on apartments we will calculate the sum price of all apartments for the realtor and send it to the frontend.
hooks: {
edit: {
afterSave: async ({ record, adminUser, resource, adminforth }) => {
// if realtor id is set, recalculate total cost of all apartments
if (record.realtor_id) {
const totalCost = (await adminforth.resource('aparts').list(Filters.EQ('realtor_id', record.realtor_id)))
.map((r) => r.price).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
adminforth.websocket.publish(`/property-cost/${record.realtor_id}`, { type: 'message', totalCost });
return { ok: true }
Initial loading
If you will try to load the page now it would not show up initial cost, but should show it once you re-save apartment.
To fix this we can do 2 ways:
- Create a dedicated API to load initial cost on PropertyCost component mount
- Catch connection to websocket, parse
from the topic and stream initial cost
Second way is more elegant and we will use it.
const admin = new AdminForth({
auth: {
websocketSubscribed: async (topic, adminUser) => {
const [subject, param] = /^\/(.+?)\/(.+)/.exec(topic)!.slice(1);
if (subject === 'property-cost') {
const userId = param;
const totalCost = (await admin.resource('aparts').list(Filters.EQ('realtor_id', userId)))
.map((r) => r.price).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
admin.websocket.publish(topic, { type: 'message', totalCost });
Currently, any user can subscribe to the any topic. Though topic already has user id in it, we should explicitly check that user can subscribe to his own topic using config.auth.websocketTopicAuth
const admin = new AdminForth({
auth: {
websocketTopicAuth: async (topic: string, adminUser: AdminUser) => {
if (!adminUser) {
// don't allow anonymous users to subscribe
return false;
const [subject, param] = /^\/(.+?)\/(.+)/.exec(topic)!.slice(1);
console.log(`Websocket user ${adminUser.username} tries to subscribe to topic ${subject} with param ${param}`);
if (subject === 'property-cost') {
return param === adminUser.dbUser.id;
// any other events are not allowed
return false;