Page Injections
In addition to ability to create custom pages and overwrite how fields are rendered, you can also inject custom components in standard AdminForth page.
For example let's add a custom pie chart to the list
page of the aparts
resource. Pie chart will show the distribution of the rooms count and more over will allow to filter the list by the rooms count.
resourceId: 'aparts',
options: {
pageInjections: {
list: {
afterBreadcrumbs: '@@/ApartsPie.vue',
Now create file ApartsPie.vue
in the custom
folder of your project:
<div class="max-w-sm w-full bg-white rounded-lg shadow dark:bg-gray-800 p-4 md:p-4 mb-5">
<div id="pie-chart"></div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted, ref, Ref } from 'vue';
import ApexCharts from 'apexcharts';
import { callApi } from '@/utils';
const data: Ref<any[]> = ref([]);
const POSSIBLE_COLORS = ["#1C64F2", "#16BDCA", "#9061F9", "#F0A936", "#F55252", "#3B82F6", "#10B981", "#F472B6", "#6B7280"];
const chatOptions = {
series: [],
chart: {
height: 200,
width: "100%",
type: "pie",
events: {
dataPointSelection: function (event, chartContext, config) {
if (config.selectedDataPoints[0].length) {
const selectedRoomsCount = data.value[config.dataPointIndex].rooms;
window.adminforth.list.updateFilter({field: 'number_of_rooms', operator: 'eq', value: selectedRoomsCount});
} else {
// clear filter
window.adminforth.list.updateFilter({field: 'number_of_rooms', value: undefined});
stroke: {
colors: ["white"],
lineCap: "",
plotOptions: {
pie: {
labels: {
show: true,
size: "100%",
dataLabels: {
offset: -25
labels: ["Direct", "Organic search", "Referrals"],
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
style: {
fontFamily: "Inter, sans-serif",
legend: {
position: "right",
fontFamily: "Inter, sans-serif",
yaxis: {
labels: {
formatter: function (value) {
return value + "%"
xaxis: {
labels: {
formatter: function (value) {
return value + "%"
axisTicks: {
show: false,
axisBorder: {
show: false,
onMounted(async () => {
try {
data.value = await callApi({path: '/api/aparts-by-room-percentages', method: 'GET'});
} catch (error) {
message: `Error fetching data: ${error.message}`,
variant: 'danger',
timeout: 'unlimited'
chatOptions.series = => item.percentage);
chatOptions.labels = => `${item.rooms} rooms`);
const chart = new ApexCharts(document.getElementById("pie-chart"), chatOptions);
Then initialize npm in custom
directory if you didn't do this and install required packages:
npm init -y
npm install apexcharts --save-dev
Also we have to add an Api to get percentages:
async (req, res) => {
const roomPercentages = await admin.resource('aparts').dataConnector.db.prepare(
COUNT(*) as count
FROM apartments
GROUP BY number_of_rooms
ORDER BY number_of_rooms;
const totalAparts = roomPercentages.reduce((acc, { count }) => acc + count, 0);
({ number_of_rooms, count }) => ({
rooms: number_of_rooms,
percentage: Math.round(count / totalAparts * 100),
// serve after you added all api
☝️ Please note that we are using Frontend API
window.adminforth.list.updateFilter({field: 'number_of_rooms', operator: 'eq', value: selectedRoomsCount});
to set filter when we are located on apartments list page
Here is how it looks:
Login page customization
You can also inject custom components to the login page.
allows to add one or more panels under the login form inputs:
For example:
new AdminForth({
customization: {
loginPageInjections: {
underInputs: '@@/CustomLoginFooter.vue',
Now create file CustomLoginFooter.vue
in the custom
folder of your project:
<div class="text-center text-gray-500 text-sm mt-4">
By logging in, you agree to our <a href="#" class="text-blue-500">Terms of Service</a> and <a href="#" class="text-blue-500">Privacy Policy</a>
Three dots menu customization
You can also inject custom components to the three dots menu on the top right corner of the page.
resourceId: 'aparts',
options: {
pageInjections: {
show: {
threeDotsDropdownItems: [
Now create file CheckReadingTime.vue
in the custom
folder of your project:
<div class="text-gray-500 text-sm">
<div @click="checkReadingTime" class="cursor-pointer flex gap-2 items-center">
Check reading time
<script setup>
import { getReadingTime} from "text-analyzer";
function checkReadingTime() {
const text = document.querySelector('[data-af-column="description"]')?.innerText;
if (text) {
const readingTime = getReadingTime(text);
message: `Reading time: ${readingTime} minutes`,
variant: 'success',
For this demo we will use text-analyzer package:
cd custom
npm init -y
npm install text-analyzer --save
☝️ Please note that we are using AdminForth Frontend API
to close the dropdown after the item is clicked.
List table custom action icons
allows to add custom actions to the list page
resourceId: 'aparts',
options: {
pageInjections: {
list: {
`customActionIcons`: [
Now create file SearchForApartmentInGoogle.vue
in the custom
folder of your project:
<a :href="`${record.title}`" :data-tooltip-target="`tooltip-google-${}`"
class="font-medium text-lightPrimary dark:text-darkPrimary hover:underline ml-2"
<IconCardSearch class="w-5 h-5 me-2"/>
<div :id="`tooltip-google-${}`" role="tooltip"
class="absolute z-10 invisible inline-block px-3 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-white transition-opacity duration-300 bg-gray-900 rounded-lg shadow-sm opacity-0 tooltip dark:bg-gray-700">
Search for competitive apartments in Google
<div class="tooltip-arrow" data-popper-arrow></div>
<script setup>
import { IconCardSearch } from '@iconify-prerendered/vue-mdi';
const props = defineProps(['column', 'record', 'meta']);
Install used icon:
cd custom
npm i @iconify-prerendered/vue-mdi
Global Injections
You have opportunity to inject custom components to the global layout. For example, you can add a custom items into user menu
use window.adminforth.closeUserMenuDropdown();
to close the dropdown after the item is clicked.
customization: {
globalInjections: {
userMenu: [
Now create file CustomUserMenuItem.vue
in the custom
folder of your project:
<div @click="openCustomPage" class="cursor-pointer flex px-4 py-2 text-sm flex items-center">
Custom Page
<script setup>
function openCustomPage() {
message: 'Custom page is opened',
variant: 'success',
Also there are: