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Custom record field rendering

Customizing how AdminForth renders the cells with record values​

Let's change how AdminForth renders the number of rooms in the 'list' and 'show' views. We will render '🟨' for each room and then we will print square_meter at the same cells.

Create directory custom. Create a file RoomsCell.vue in it:

<div class="flex items-center">
<span v-for="room in record.number_of_rooms">

{{ record.square_meter }} m²

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AdminForthResourceColumnCommon, AdminForthResourceCommon, AdminUser } from '@/types/Common';

const props = defineProps<{
column: AdminForthResourceColumnCommon;
record: any;
meta: any;
resource: AdminForthResourceCommon;
adminUser: AdminUser

Now you can use this component in the configuration of the resource:

resourceId: 'aparts',
columns: [
name: 'number_of_rooms',
components: {
show: '@@/RoomsCell.vue',
list: '@@/RoomsCell.vue',

Here is how it looks: alt text

In very similar way you can render how cell is rendered in 'edit' and 'create' view. You can use it for creating custom editors for the fields. Check component specs to understand which props are passed to the component

Parametrize the custom components​

Sometimes you need to render same component with different parameters. You can use full component declaration


resourceId: 'aparts',
columns: [
name: 'number_of_rooms',
components: {
show: '@@/RoomsCell.vue',
show: {
file: '@@/RoomsCell.vue',
meta: {
filler: '🟨',
list: '@@/RoomsCell.vue',
list: {
file: '@@/RoomsCell.vue',
meta: {
filler: '🟦',

Now our component can read filler from meta prop:

<div class="flex items-center">
<span v-for="room in record.number_of_rooms">
{{ meta.filler }}
{{ room.square_meter }} m²

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { AdminForthResourceColumnCommon, AdminForthResourceCommon, AdminUser } from '@/types/Common';

const props = defineProps<{
column: AdminForthResourceColumnCommon;
record: any;
meta: any;
resource: AdminForthResourceCommon;
adminUser: AdminUser

Using 3rd-party npm packages in the Vue components​

To install 3rd-party npm packages you should create npm package in the custom directory:

cd custom

And simply do npm install for the package you need:

npm i <some package> -D

Editing values component​

In same way as we define show and list component, we can create component for edit/create page. Let's create custom dropdown for country field which will show emoji flags of the countries.

@update:model-value="emit('update:value', $event)"
<template #item="{option}">
<span class="text-xl inline-flex">{{ getCountryFlag(option.value) }}</span> {{ option.label }}

<template #selected-item="{option}">
<span class="text-xl inline-flex">{{ getCountryFlag(option.value) }}</span> {{ option.label }}

<script setup lang="ts">
import Select from "@/afcl/Select.vue";
import type {
} from "@/types/Common";

const props = defineProps<{
column: AdminForthResourceColumnCommon;
record: any;
meta: any;
resource: AdminForthResourceCommon;
adminUser: AdminUser;

const emit = defineEmits(["update:value"]);

function getCountryFlag(countryCode: string) {
return countryCode?.toUpperCase()
.replace(/./g, (char) => String.fromCodePoint(char.charCodeAt(0) + 127397));


Now you can use this component in the configuration of the resource:

resourceId: 'aparts',
columns: [
name: 'country',
components: {
edit: '@@/CountryDropdown.vue',
create: '@@/CountryDropdown.vue',

Custom inValidity inside of the custom create/edit components​

Custom componets can emit update:inValidity event to parent to say that the field is invalid.

You can define this emit as:

const emit = defineEmits([

Every time when state in your component becomes invalid, you can emit this event with error message which will be shown in the UI to the user.

emit('update:inValidity', "The field has wrong value");

Every time when state in your component becomes valid, you can emit this event with false

emit('update:inValidity', false);

If component never emits update:inValidity event (includign case when you don't use it at all), the field is considered valid.

Custom emptiness inside of the custom create/edit components​

Custom componets can emit update:emptiness event to parent to say that the field is empty.

Emptiness is used to prevent user from saving form when column.required is true and field is empty.

When column.required is false emptiness is not checked.

You can define this emit as:

const emit = defineEmits([

Every time when state in your component becomes empty, you can emit this event with true

emit('update:emptiness', true);

Every time when state in your component becomes not empty, you can emit this event with false

emit('update:emptiness', false);

Emptiness emit has a higher priority than natural emptiness of the field. For example when actual value under column in record is empty but component emitted false for update:emptiness (in other words child component said it non-empty), the field is considered as Non-empty. For another example, if companent is naturally updated some value in record but emited true (said that it is empty) the field is considered as empty and error in form will be shown to user.

Pre-made renderers​

Though creating custom renderers is super-easy, we have couple of pre-made renderers for you to use.


If you have a UUID column which you want display in table in more compact manner, you can use CompactUUID renderer.

import { randomUUID } from 'crypto';

columns: [
name: 'id',
primaryKey: true,
showIn: {
list: false,
edit: false,
create: false,
fillOnCreate: ({ initialRecord, adminUser }) => Math.random().toString(36).substring(7),
fillOnCreate: ({initialRecord}: any) => randomUUID(),
components: {
list: '@/renderers/CompactUUID.vue'

alt text

Country Flag​

Renders string fields containing ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country codes as flags (e.g. 'US', 'DE', 'FR', etc.)

  columns: [
name: 'country',
components: {
list: '@/renderers/CountryFlag.vue'

alt text

You can also show country name after the flag:

  columns: [
name: 'country',
components: {
list: {
file: '@/renderers/CountryFlag.vue',
meta: {
showCountryName: true

alt text

Human Number​

It formats large numbers into a human-readable format (e.g., 10k, 1.5M) and supports localization for different number formats.

  columns: [
name: 'square_meter',
label: 'Square',
minValue: 1, // you can set min /max value for number fields
maxValue: 100000000,
components: {
list: {
file: '@/renderers/HumanNumber.vue',

alt text


If your field has absolute URLs as text strings you can use URLs renderer to render them as clickable links.

  columns: [
name: 'url',
components: {
list: '@/renderers/URL.vue'

Relative Time​

To format your date fields to display the elapsed time, you can utilize the RelativeTime renderer.

  columns: [
name: 'created_at',
components: {
list: '@/renderers/RelativeTime.vue'