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Disabling actions

Statically disable some action

You can use options.allowedActions on resource to limit access to the resource actions (list, show, create, edit, delete).

If you want to disable deletion of the resource records for all users:

resourceId: 'users',
options: {
allowedActions: {
delete: false

Disable some action based on logged in user record or role

If you want to disable deletion of apartments for all users apart from users with role superadmin:

import type { AdminUser } from  'adminforth/types/AdminForthConfig.js';

resourceId: 'aparts',
options: {
allowedActions: {
delete: async ({ adminUser }: { adminUser: AdminUser }): Promise<boolean> => {
// important: if adminUser.isRoot, the adminUser.dbUser is undefined
return adminUser.isRoot || adminUser.dbUser.role === 'superadmin';

🫨 instead of reading role from user you can check permission using complex ACL/RBAC models with permissions stored in the database. However we recommend you to keep in mind that allowedActions callback is called on every request related to resource, so it should be fast. So try to minimize requests to database as much as possible.

Reuse the same callback for multiple actions

Let's disable creating and editing of new users for all users apart from users with role superadmin, and at the same time disable deletion for all users:

import type { AdminUser } from 'adminforth/types/AdminForthConfig.js';

async function canModifyUsers({ adminUser }: { adminUser: AdminUser }): boolean {
// important: if adminUser.isRoot, the adminUser.dbUser is undefined
return adminUser.isRoot || adminUser.dbUser.role === 'superadmin';

resourceId: 'users',
options: {
allowedActions: {
create: canModifyUsers,
edit: canModifyUsers,
delete: false

Customizing the access control based on resource values

More advanced case, allow to edit apartments only if user is a realtor of the apartment (defined as realtor_id), otherwise return error "You are not assigned to this apartment and can't edit it":

import type { AdminUser } from  'adminforth/types/AdminForthConfig.js';
import { ActionCheckSource } from 'adminforth/types/AdminForthConfig.js';

async function canModifyAppart({ adminUser, source, meta }: { adminUser: AdminUser, meta: any, source: ActionCheckSource }): Promise<boolean | string> {
if (source === ActionCheckSource.DisplayButtons) {
// if check is done for displaying button - we show button to everyone
return true;
if (adminUser.isRoot) {
return "Root user can't edit appartment, relogin as DB user";
const { oldRecord, newRecord } = meta;
if (oldRecord.realtor_id !== {
return "You are not assigned to this apartment and can't edit it";
if (newRecord.realtor_id !== oldRecord.realtor_id) {
return "You can't change the owner of the apartment";
return true;

resourceId: 'aparts',
options: {
allowedActions: {
edit: canModifyAppart,