AuditLog plugin allows to log all changes in the resources done from the admin panel. It will allow you to figure out who and when made changes in the data. Requires separate table in the database to store logs.
npm i @adminforth/audit-log --save
Create auditLogs.ts
in resources
import AuditLogPlugin from '@adminforth/audit-log';
import { AdminForthDataTypes } from 'adminforth'
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
Getting Started will be used as base for this example.
Creating table for storing activity data
For the first, to track records changes, we need to set up the database and table with certain fields inside where tracked data will be stored.
First of all you should create this table in your own database ./schema.prisma
model audit_logs {
id String @id
created_at DateTime /// timestamp of applied change
resource_id String /// identifier of resource where change were applied
user_id String /// identifier of user who made the changes
action String /// type of change (create, edit, delete)
diff String? /// delta betwen before/after versions
record_id String? /// identifier of record that been changed
And prisma migrate
npx --yes prisma migrate dev --name add-audit-logs
Also to make this code start
Setting up the resource and dataSource for plugin
Logger sets up for all the resources by default. But you can exclude unwanted resources with option "excludeResourceIds". In this example, we'll exclude resource "adminuser" from logging.
Also, it excludes itself to avoid infinte logging loop.
Add this code in auditLogs.ts
import AuditLogPlugin from "@adminforth/audit-log/index.js";
import { AdminForthDataTypes } from "adminforth";
import { randomUUID } from "crypto";
export default {
dataSource: 'maindb',
table: 'audit_logs',
columns: [
{ name: 'id', primaryKey: true, required: false, fillOnCreate: ({initialRecord}: any) => randomUUID(),
showIn: {
list: false,
edit: false,
create: false,
filter: false,
} },
{ name: 'created_at', required: false },
{ name: 'resource_id', required: false },
{ name: 'user_id', required: false,
foreignResource: {
resourceId: 'adminuser',
} },
{ name: 'action', required: false },
{ name: 'diff', required: false, type: AdminForthDataTypes.JSON, showIn: {
list: false,
edit: false,
create: false,
filter: false,
} },
{ name: 'record_id', required: false },
options: {
allowedActions: {
edit: false,
delete: false,
create: false
plugins: [
new AuditLogPlugin({
// if you want to exclude some resources from logging
//excludeResourceIds: ['adminuser'],
resourceColumns: {
resourceIdColumnName: 'resource_id',
resourceActionColumnName: 'action',
resourceDataColumnName: 'diff',
resourceUserIdColumnName: 'user_id',
resourceRecordIdColumnName: 'record_id',
resourceCreatedColumnName: 'created_at'
Then you need to import ./resources/auditLogs
import auditLogsResource from "./resources/auditLogs"
... new AdminForth({
dataSources: [...],
resources: [
Also, we need to add it to menu:
menu: [
label: 'Audit Logs',
icon: 'flowbite:search-outline',
resourceId: 'audit_logs',
That's it! Now you can see the logs in the table
Logging custom actions
Audit log is able to catch only standard actions like create
, update
, delete
or custom bulk actions.
If you have a custom, self coded actions in your API, you can log them by calling logCustomAction
method of AuditLogPlugin
async (req, res) => {
null, // recordId can be null if not applicable
{ dashboard: 'main' },
req.headers //required if you want log client ip
Logging client ip address
Audit log can also log the client's IP address if needed.
First, you need to migrate the audit_logs
table in ./schema.prisma
model audit_logs {
id String @id
created_at DateTime /// timestamp of applied change
resource_id String /// identifier of resource where change were applied
user_id String /// identifier of user who made the changes
action String /// type of change (create, edit, delete)
diff String? /// delta betwen before/after versions
record_id String? /// identifier of record that been changed
ip_address STRING? /// client ip address
And prisma migrate
npx --yes prisma migrate dev --name add-ip-address-to-audit-logs
Also, update the resource configuration in ./resources/auditLogs.ts
export default {
dataSource: 'maindb',
table: 'audit_logs',
columns: [
{ name: 'action', required: false },
{ name: 'diff', required: false, type: AdminForthDataTypes.JSON, showIn: {
list: false,
edit: false,
create: false,
filter: false,
} },
{ name: 'record_id', required: false },
{ name: 'ip_address', required: false },
plugins: [
new AuditLogPlugin({
resourceColumns: {
resourceIdColumnName: 'resource_id',
resourceActionColumnName: 'action',
resourceDataColumnName: 'diff',
resourceUserIdColumnName: 'user_id',
resourceRecordIdColumnName: 'record_id',
resourceCreatedColumnName: 'created_at'
resourceIpColumnName: "ip_address",