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AuditLog plugin allows to limit access to the resource actions (list, show, create, update, delete) based on custom callback. Callback accepts AdminUser which you can use to define access rules.


Plugin is already installed into adminforth, to import:

import AuditLogPlugin from 'adminforth/plugins/AuditLogPlugin';

If yu are using pure Node without TypeScript, you can use the following code:

import AuditLogPlugin from 'adminforth/dist/plugins/AuditLogPlugin/index.ts';

Getting Started will be used as base for this example.

Creating table for storing activity data

For the first, to track records changes, we need to set up the database and table with certain fields inside.

CREATE TABLE audit_logs(
id uuid NOT NULL, -- identifier of applied change record
created_at timestamp without time zone, -- timestamp of applied change
resource_id varchar(255), -- identifier of resource where change were applied
user_id uuid, -- identifier of user who made the changes
"action" varchar(255), -- type of change (create, edit, delete)
diff text, -- delta betwen before/after versions
record_id varchar, -- identifier of record that been changed

See API Reference for more all options.