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Foreign inline list plugin allows to display a list (table) of items from a foreign table in the show view.


Import plugin:

import ForeignInlineListPlugin from 'adminforth/plugins/ForeignInlineListPlugin';

If you are using pure Node without TypeScript, you can use the following code:

import ForeignInlineListPlugin from 'adminforth/dist/plugins/ForeignInlineListPlugin/index.js';

In Getting Started we created a 'aparts' resource which has a field 'realtor_id'. This field refers to record from 'users' resource. This means that we can display a list of appartments in the user's show view.

Add to your 'users' resource configuration (which we created in ), plugin instance:

resourceId: 'users',
plugins: [
new ForeignInlineListPlugin({
foreignResourceId: 'aparts',
modifyTableResourceConfig: (resourceConfig: AdminForthResource) => {
// hide column 'square_meter' from both 'list' and 'filter'
const column = resourceConfig.columns.find((c: AdminForthResourceColumn) => === 'square_meter')!.showIn = [];
resourceConfig.options!.listPageSize = 1;

// feel free to console.log and edit resourceConfig as you need

You can use modifyTableResourceConfig callback to modify what columns to show in the list and filter of the foreign table.

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See API Reference for more all options.