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Two-Factor Authentication Plugin

The Two-Factor Authentication Plugin provides an additional layer of security to the application by requiring users to provide a second form of authentication in addition to their password. This plugin supports authenticator apps.


npm i @adminforth/two-factors-auth --save

Plugin is already installed into adminforth, to import:

import TwoFactorsAuthPlugin from '@adminforth/two-factors-auth';

Plugin required some additional setup, to make it work properly. It should be added to the resource auth resource. In our example we will add it to the user resource .


export const admin = new AdminForth({
//... other resource configurations
auth: {
resourceId: 'users'
//... other resource configurations
table: 'users',
plugins: [
new TwoFactorsAuthPlugin ({ twoFaSecretFieldName: 'secret2fa' }),
columns: [
name: 'secret2fa',
showIn: [],
backendOnly: true,

async function initDataBase() {
// check column secret2fa in apartments table
const columns = await db.prepare('PRAGMA table_info(users);').all();
const columnExists = columns.some((c) => === 'secret2fa');
if (!columnExists) {
await db.prepare('ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN secret2fa VARCHAR(255);').run();

Thats it! Two-Factor Authentication is now enabled: alt text

Disabling Two-Factor Authentication locally

If it is not convenient to enter the code every time you log in during local development, you can disable Two-Factor Authentication for the dev environment using usersFilterToApply option.


plugins: [
new TwoFactorsAuthPlugin ({
twoFaSecretFieldName: 'secret2fa',
usersFilterToApply: (adminUser: AdminUser) => {
// if this method returns true, 2FA will be enforced for this user, if returns false - 2FA will be disabled
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
return false;
return true;

Select which users should use Two-Factor Authentication

By default plugin enforces Two-Factor Authentication for all users.

If you wish to enforce 2FA only for specific users, you can again use usersFilterToApply option:

  usersFilterToApply: (adminUser: AdminUser) => {
// disable 2FA for users which email is 'adminforth' or 'adminguest'
return !(['adminforth', 'adminguest'].includes(;

You can even add a boolean column to the user table to store whether the user should use 2FA or not:

resourceId: 'users',
columns: [
name: 'use2fa',
options: {
allowedActions: {
delete: ({ adminUser }: { adminUser: AdminUser }) => {
// only superadmin can delete users
return adminUser.dbUser.role === 'superadmin';
create: ({ adminUser }: { adminUser: AdminUser }) => {
// only superadmin can create users
return adminUser.dbUser.role === 'superadmin';
edit: ({ adminUser, meta }: { adminUser: AdminUser }) => {
// user can modify only his own record
const { oldRecord } = meta;
return ===;
plugins: [
new TwoFactorsAuthPlugin ({
twoFaSecretFieldName: 'secret2fa',
usersFilterToApply: (adminUser: AdminUser) => {
return adminUser.dbUser.use2fa;