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OAuth Authentication

The OAuth plugin enables OAuth2-based authentication in AdminForth, allowing users to sign in using their Google, GitHub, or other OAuth2 provider accounts.


To install the plugin:

npm install @adminforth/oauth --save
npm install @adminforth/google-oauth-adapter --save # for Google OAuth


1. OAuth Provider Setup

You need to get the client ID and client secret from your OAuth2 provider.

For Google:

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Console
  2. Create a new project or select an existing one
  3. Go to APIs & ServicesCredentials
  4. Create credentials for OAuth 2.0 client IDs
  5. Select application type: "Web application"
  6. Add your application's name and redirect URI
  7. In "Authorized redirect URIs", add next URI: https://your-domain/oauth/callback, http://localhost:3500/oauth/callback. Please remember to include BASE_URL in the URI if you are using it in project e.g. https://your-domain/base/oauth/callback
  8. Add the credentials to your .env file:

2. Plugin Configuration

Configure the plugin in your user resource file:

import OAuthPlugin from '@adminforth/oauth';
import AdminForthAdapterGoogleOauth2 from '@adminforth/google-oauth-adapter';

// ... existing resource configuration ...

plugins: [
new OAuthPlugin({
adapters: [
new AdminForthAdapterGoogleOauth2({
clientID: process.env.GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET,
redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/oauth/callback',
emailField: 'email', // Required: field that stores the user's email

3. Email Confirmation

The plugin supports automatic email confirmation for OAuth users. To enable this:

  1. Add the email_confirmed field to your database schema:
model adminuser {
// ... existing fields ...
email_confirmed Boolean @default(false)
  1. Run the migration:
npx prisma migrate dev --name add-email-confirmed-to-adminuser
  1. Configure the plugin with emailConfirmedField:
new OAuth2Plugin({
// ... adapters configuration ...
emailField: 'email',
emailConfirmedField: 'email_confirmed' // Enable email confirmation tracking

When using OAuth:

  • New users will have their email automatically confirmed (email_confirmed = true)
  • Existing users will have their email marked as confirmed upon successful OAuth login
  • The email_confirmed field must be a boolean type