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Open Signup

Open Signup plugin allows users to register in adminforth by them-selfs without admin. This is useful when you want to allow anyone to sign up and assign some low-level permissions to them.


To install the plugin:

npm install @adminforth/open-signup --save


To use the plugin, instantiate to to user resource:

import OpenSignupPlugin from '@adminforth/open-signup';

Like this:

new OpenSignupPlugin({
emailField: 'email',
passwordField: 'password',
passwordHashField: 'password_hash',
defaultFieldValues: {
role: 'user',

Please note that in this mode users will be able to sign up without email verification. For enabling email verification, see below.

Email verification

First, you need to migrate the adminuser table in ./schema.prisma:

model adminuser {
email_confirmed Boolean? @default(false)

And prisma migrate:

npx --yes prisma migrate dev --name add-email-confirmed-to-adminuser

Next, install the @adminforth/email-adapter-aws-ses package:

npm i @adminforth/email-adapter-aws-ses --save

Also, update the resource configuration in ./resources/adminuser.ts:

import EmailAdapterAwsSes from '@adminforth/email-adapter-aws-ses';

export default {
dataSource: 'maindb',
table: 'adminuser',
resourceId: 'adminuser',
label: 'Users',
recordLabel: (r) => `👤 ${}`,
columns: [
{ name: 'email_confirmed' }
plugins: [
new OpenSignupPlugin({
emailField: "email",
passwordField: "password",
passwordHashField: "password_hash",
defaultFieldValues: {
role: "user",
confirmEmails: {
emailConfirmedField: "email_confirmed",
sendFrom: "",
adapter: new EmailAdapterAwsSes({
region: "eu-central-1",
accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID as string,
secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY as string,