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Text Complete

This plugin allows you to auto-complete text and string fields using OpenAI Chat GPT models.


npm i @adminforth/text-complete --save
npm i @adminforth/completion-adapter-open-ai-chat-gpt --save

Go to, open Dashboard -> API keys -> Create new secret key. Paste value in your .env file:


Add plugin installation to any text or string column.

For example let's add it for title and description in aparts resource configuration which we created in Getting Started tutorial.

import TextCompletePlugin from '@adminforth/text-complete';
import CompletionAdapterOpenAIChatGPT from "@adminforth/completion-adapter-open-ai-chat-gpt";

export const admin = new AdminForth({
resourceId: 'aparts',
columns: [
plugins: [
new TextCompletePlugin({
fieldName: 'title',
adapter: new CompletionAdapterOpenAIChatGPT({
openAiApiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY as string,
model: 'gpt-4o', // default "gpt-4o-mini"
expert: {
temperature: 0.7 //Model temperature, default 0.7
new TextCompletePlugin({
fieldName: 'description',
adapter: new CompletionAdapterOpenAIChatGPT({
openAiApiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY as string,
// expert: {
// maxTokens: 50, // token limit to generate for each completion. 50 is default
// promptInputLimit: 500, // Limit in characters of edited field to be passed to Model. 500 is default value
// debounceTime: 300, // Debounce time in milliseconds. 300 is default value
// }




Here is how it looks:

!alt text

Initial prompt

If you want to generate field by your own prompt, you can use initialPrompt property in plugin configuration.

    new TextCompletePlugin({
fieldName: 'description',
initialPrompt: `I need to introduce apartment '{{title}}' to people who have a pets and afraid that apartment is not pet friendly. I need short but very attractive description if it. It should have CTAs and Emojis. write \n\n once you are done.`,
expert: {
stop: ['\n\n'],
maxTokens: 500,

Note: {{title}} is a placeholder for the value of the field title. It will be replaced with the actual value of the field when generating the prompt. You can use any field name from your resource configuration. Note: stop is a property of the model that tells it when to stop generating text. In this case, we are telling it to stop when it sees \n\n.