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A DataSource is a connection to one database. Datasources has id for references from resources and URL which follows the standard URI format. For example mysql://user:password@localhost:3306/database. It used to:

  • Discover the columns in the database
  • Make queries to get the list and show records
  • Make queries to modify data

There might be several datasources in the system for various databases e.g. One 2 Mongo DBs and 1 Postgres DB.


A Resource is a representation of a table or collection in AdminForth. One resource is one table in the database. It has a name which should match name in database, a datasource id, and a list of columns. Also it has various customization options.


A Column is a representation of a column in a table. It has a name which should be equal to name in database and various configuration options.


A record is a row in a relational database table. Or Document in document database table.


Action is one of operations which can be performed on the resource or it's records.

There are next actions:

  • create
  • edit
  • delete
  • list
  • show
  • filter


Object which represents a user who logged in to the AdminForth.


Hook is a optional async function which allows to inject in backend logic before executing the datasource query or after it


Component is a Vue component which is used to add or modify UI elements in AdminForth. It can be used as a full custom page with a link in menu or as a part of the existing AdminForth page


Value of the column in the record.