Hello world app without CLI
While AdminForth CLI is the fastest way to create a new project, you can also create a new project manually.
This might help you better understand how AdminForth project is structured and how to customize it.
Here we create database with users and posts tables and admin panel for it.
Users table will be used to store a credentials for login into admin panel itself.
When back-office user creates a new post it will be automatically assigned using authorId
to the user who created it.
We will use Node v20 for this demo. If you have other Node versions, we recommend using NVM to switch them easily:
nvm install 20
nvm alias default 20
nvm use 20
mkdir af-hello
cd af-hello
npm init -y
npm i adminforth express @types/express typescript tsx @types/node -D
npx --yes tsc --init --module NodeNext --target ESNext
Env variables
Create .env
file in root directory and put following content:
☝️ Production best practices:
- Most likely you not need
file at all, instead you should use environment variables (from Docker, Kubernetes, Operating System, etc.)- You should set
so it will not waste extra resources on hot reload.- You should generate very unique value
and store it in Vault or other secure place.
☝️ If you are using Git, obviously you should make sure you will never commit
file to the repository, because it might contain your own sensitive secrets. So to follow best practices, we recommend to add.env
and create.env.sample
as template for other repository users with demo data.
Database creation
☝️ For demo purposes we will create a database using Prisma and SQLite. You can also create it using any other favorite tool or ORM and skip this step.
Create ./schema.prisma
and put next content there:
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
datasource db {
provider = "sqlite"
url = env("DATABASE_FILE_URL")
model User {
id String @id
createdAt DateTime
email String @unique
role String
passwordHash String
posts Post[]
model Post {
id String @id
createdAt DateTime
title String
content String?
published Boolean
author User? @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
authorId String?
Create database using prisma migrate
npx --yes prisma migrate dev --name init
Setting up adminforth
Open package.json
, set type
to module
and add start
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"start": "NODE_ENV=development tsx watch --env-file=.env index.ts",
Create index.ts
file in root directory with following content:
import express from 'express';
import AdminForth, { AdminForthDataTypes, AdminUser, Filters } from 'adminforth';
export const admin = new AdminForth({
baseUrl: '',
auth: {
usersResourceId: 'users', // resource to get user during login
usernameField: 'email', // field where username is stored, should exist in resource
passwordHashField: 'passwordHash',
customization: {
brandName: 'My Admin',
datesFormat: 'D MMM YY',
timeFormat: 'HH:mm:ss',
emptyFieldPlaceholder: '-',
dataSources: [{
id: 'maindb',
url: `sqlite://${process.env.DATABASE_FILE}`,
resources: [
dataSource: 'maindb',
table: 'user',
resourceId: 'users',
label: 'Users',
recordLabel: (r: any) => `👤 ${r.email}`,
columns: [
name: 'id',
primaryKey: true,
fillOnCreate: () => Math.random().toString(36).substring(7),
showIn: ['list', 'filter', 'show'],
name: 'email',
required: true,
isUnique: true,
enforceLowerCase: true,
validation: [
name: 'createdAt',
type: AdminForthDataTypes.DATETIME,
showIn: ['list', 'filter', 'show'],
fillOnCreate: () => (new Date()).toISOString(),
name: 'role',
enum: [
{ value: 'superadmin', label: 'Super Admin' },
{ value: 'user', label: 'User' },
name: 'password',
virtual: true,
required: { create: true },
editingNote: { edit: 'Leave empty to keep password unchanged' },
minLength: 8,
type: AdminForthDataTypes.STRING,
showIn: ['create', 'edit'],
masked: true,
{ name: 'passwordHash', backendOnly: true, showIn: [] }
table: 'post',
resourceId: 'posts',
dataSource: 'maindb',
label: 'Posts',
recordLabel: (r: any) => `📝 ${r.title}`,
columns: [
name: 'id',
primaryKey: true,
fillOnCreate: () => Math.random().toString(36).substring(7),
showIn: ['list', 'filter', 'show'],
name: 'title',
type: AdminForthDataTypes.STRING,
required: true,
showIn: ['list', 'create', 'edit', 'filter', 'show'],
maxLength: 255,
minLength: 3,
name: 'content',
showIn: ['list', 'create', 'edit', 'filter', 'show'],
name: 'createdAt',
showIn: ['list', 'filter', 'show',],
fillOnCreate: () => (new Date()).toISOString(),
name: 'published',
required: true,
name: 'authorId',
foreignResource: {
resourceId: 'users',
showIn: ['list', 'filter', 'show'],
fillOnCreate: ({ adminUser }: { adminUser: AdminUser }) => {
return adminUser.dbUser.id;
menu: [
label: 'Core',
icon: 'flowbite:brain-solid', // any icon from iconify supported in format <setname>:<icon>, e.g. from here https://icon-sets.iconify.design/flowbite/
open: true,
children: [
homepage: true,
label: 'Posts',
icon: 'flowbite:home-solid',
resourceId: 'posts',
{ type: 'gap' },
{ type: 'divider' },
{ type: 'heading', label: 'SYSTEM' },
label: 'Users',
icon: 'flowbite:user-solid',
resourceId: 'users',
if (import.meta.url === `file://${process.argv[1]}`) {
// if script is executed directly e.g. node index.ts or npm start
const app = express()
const port = 3500;
// needed to compile SPA. Call it here or from a build script e.g. in Docker build time to reduce downtime
await admin.bundleNow({ hotReload: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' });
console.log('Bundling AdminForth done. For faster serving consider calling bundleNow() from a build script.');
// serve after you added all api
admin.discoverDatabases().then(async () => {
if (!await admin.resource('users').get([Filters.EQ('email', 'adminforth')])) {
await admin.resource('users').create({
email: 'adminforth',
passwordHash: await AdminForth.Utils.generatePasswordHash('adminforth'),
role: 'superadmin',
admin.express.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`\n⚡ AdminForth is available at http://localhost:${port}\n`)
☝️ For simplicity we defined whole configuration in one file. Normally once configuration grows you should move each resource configuration to separate file and organize them to folder and import them in
Now you can run your app:
npm start
Open http://localhost:3500 in your browser and login with credentials adminforth
/ adminforth
Initializing custom directory
If you are not using CLI, you can create custom
directory and initialize it with npm
cd ./custom
npm init -y
Also, for better development experience we recommend to create file custom/tsconfig.json
with the following content:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"@/*": [
"*": [
"@@/*": [
Possible configuration options
Check AdminForthConfig for all possible options.